1. Skillet - Whispers In The Dark
2. Living Sacrifice - Spirit Fall
3. Narnia Break The Chains
4. Pillar - Get Back
5. Crimson Moonlight - The Advent of the Grim Hour
6. Embodyment - She's There
7. Impelliteri - 02-Fly away
8. August Burns Red - The Eleventh Hour
9. Project 86 - Little Green Men
10. Holy Soldier - Virtue & Vice
11. Norma Jean - Blue Prints For Future Homes
12. Die Happy - Melrose
13. Divinefire - Secret Weapon
14. My Children My Bride - Versus
15. Bride - Scarecrow
16. Tourniquet - Perfect Night for a Hanging
17. Anberlin - Ready Fuels
18. Antestor - Old Times Cruelty
19. Whitecross - Come Unto The Light
20. Paramaecium - Enter In Time
21. Secret And Whisper - Vanishings
22. Inhale Exhale - Redemption
23. Haste the Day - chorus of angels
24. Mortification - Humanitarian
25. The Classic Crime - Gravedigging
26. Slechtvalk - Burying The Dead
27. Stryper - Two time woman
28. mewithoutYou - The Dryness And The Rain
29. Zao - Lies Of Serpents, A River Of Tears
30. The Showdown - We Die Young
31. HB - It Is Time
32. The Devil Wears Prada - Reptar, King of the Ozone
33. Deliverance - Slay the Wicked
34. Extol - inferno
35. Betrayal - Retaliatory Strike
36. Far-Less - Keep Keep
37. Advent-Wait For the Storm
38. Emery-To Whom It May Concern
39. Underoath - You Are So Intricate
40. No Innocent Victim - Where Is Your Heart
41. Bloodgood - Demon On The Run
42. Once nothing - north carolina
43. Paramore - Hallelujiah
44. Barren Cross - Living Dead
45. Blindside - Across Waters Again
46. P.O.D. - Southtown
47. Demon Hunter - Fading Away
48. Seventh avenue - Levy Your Soul From Hate
49. Hawk Nelson - Is Forever Enough
download in 3 Parts
Imperdible esto esta genial saludos chau God Bless you!! atte niarfE